Hamid Nuh Portfolio

Social Media Manager at British Aesthetics

Jul – Oct 2023 | Social Media Manager at British Aesthetics

Screenshot Facebook Meta Showing content Uploaded

Aug 2022 – March 2024 | GFX Printer Social Media Handling

GFX Printer Home Page

Jan 2024 – GFXPrinter.com Website Update V2

Spinners Laundry Website

Feb 2023 – Spinners Laundry Website Development

Screenshot of under developing GFXPrinter.com on July 2022

July 2022 – GFXPrinter.com Website Development V1

Screenshot of YouTube Ad for GFX Printer

Jun 2023 – YouTube Ad for GFX Printer

Screenshot of Sales Performance Ad by Hamid Nuh

Jun 2023 – Sales Performance Ad for GFX Printer

Merchant Centre Ad Results by Hamid Nuh

Mar 2023 – Merchant Centre Ad for GFX Printer

Screenshot of Google Display Awareness Ads by Hamid Nuh

Feb 2023 – Google Display Ad for GFX Printer Awareness

Screenshot of Google Display Awareness Ads by Hamid Nuh

Feb/Mar 2024 – Google Ads for GFX Printer

Screenshot of Results

Transforming Belief: Facebook Boost for Haven Hikes 2024

Screenshot of Results

Feb 2024 – Facebook Traffic Campaign for GFX Printer

Screenshot of clients/leads

May 2024 – Facebook Traffic Ad for Haven Hikes

Screenshot of clients/bookings

May 2024 – Facebook Engagement Ad for Haven Hikes

Screenshot of Results

Feb 2024 – Facebook Awareness Ad for GFX Printer