Transforming Belief: Facebook Boost for Haven Hikes

I’m Hamid Nuh, a digital marketing specialist who thrives on transforming businesses through innovative strategies. Below, you’ll discover how I helped Haven Hikes, a premier tourism and travel agency in Lahore, overcome their skepticism of online ads and achieve remarkable results.

Featured Project: Facebook Boost for Haven Hikes

Project Overview

Client: Haven Hikes
Industry: Tourism and Travel
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Campaign Type: Facebook Boost


  • Change Perception: Overcome Haven Hikes’ skepticism of online ads.
  • Generate Leads: Encourage users to request quotes for travel packages.
  • Demonstrate Value: Showcase the effectiveness of online advertising.

Strategy and Execution

To achieve these objectives, I proposed a unique approach: offering Haven Hikes a free service charge for a week-long Facebook Boost. Here’s how it played out:

  1. Engagement and Excitement: Haven Hikes was delighted by the offer, which boosted morale even before the Boost began.
  2. Boost Execution: Launched the Boost with engaging visuals and compelling copy highlighting the agency’s unique travel experiences.
  3. Lead Generation: The Boost attracted significant attention, leading to 20 quote requests in just 967 PKR.
  4. Low CPC: Achieved a low cost per click of as low as 26 PKR due to the campaign’s high relevance and engagement.
Screenshot of Results
Screenshot of Results
Screenshot of CPC
Screenshot of CPC


  • Client Satisfaction: Haven Hikes was thrilled with the results, realizing the potential of online advertising.
  • Increased Brand Loyalty: The success of the Boost created a lasting impression, and Haven Hikes became addicted to the results.
  • Conversion to Believer: Haven Hikes transformed from skeptics to believers in the power of online ads.

Skills and Expertise

  • Innovative Marketing Strategies
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Creative Ad Design
  • Budget Optimization
  • Conversion Tracking and Analysis
Screenshot of Ad Copy Designed by Hamid Nuh
Screenshot of Ad Copy Designed by Hamid Nuh


Muhammad Usman, CEO of Haven Hikes
“Hamid’s approach was refreshing and effective. The free Boost not only generated leads but also changed our perception of online advertising. We’re now believers and look forward to more collaborations with Hamid.”

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