Project Overview: Website Development


In September 2022, I embarked on an exciting project that would lay the foundation for a thriving affiliate and knowledge site— This project demanded a blend of my skills in Web Development, WordPress Development, and SEO Copywriting. As the sole designer and developer, I was responsible for every aspect of the website’s creation, from purchasing the domain to ensuring it achieved top-notch performance on Google.


The development of was born out of a vision to create a hub for tech enthusiasts, especially those interested in graphics hardware and software. The objective was to build a platform that not only provided in-depth reviews and guides but also monetized through affiliate marketing and Google AdSense. serves a dual purpose: it is both a repository of valuable content and a revenue-generating site. With the rapidly growing interest in graphic design, video editing, and related fields, the site was positioned to attract a global audience.

GFX Blogger Home Page
GFX Blogger Home Page


The core objectives of this project included:

  1. Developing a user-friendly and visually appealing website that would attract and retain visitors.
  2. Integrating affiliate marketing programs to generate revenue through commissions.
  3. Optimizing the site for SEO to ensure high visibility and organic traffic.
  4. Implementing Google AdSense to create an additional income stream.
  5. Ensuring high site performance with fast loading times across all devices.

Strategy and Execution

The journey to develop was carefully planned and executed with precision. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Domain and Hosting Purchase:
    I started by purchasing the domain and securing reliable hosting from Hostinger. This step ensured a strong foundation with a hosting service known for its speed and uptime.
  • WordPress Installation:
    To manage the content efficiently, I installed WordPress as the CMS (Content Management System). WordPress is renowned for its flexibility and robust features, making it the ideal choice for this project.
  • Theme Selection:
    I chose the JNews – WordPress Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme from ThemeForest. This theme provided the perfect balance of visual appeal and functionality, essential for a site focused on content delivery.

    Screehshot of JNews Theme on Themeforest
    Screehshot of JNews Theme on Themeforest
  • Custom Graphics Creation:
    To enhance the site’s visual appeal, I created unique icons, images, and infographics. All graphics were original, ensuring no copyright issues and giving the site a distinctive look.
  • Content Creation Using ChatGPT-4:
    Leveraging the power of ChatGPT-4, I crafted high-quality affiliate articles and blogs. These articles were carefully optimized according to Google Search Console guidelines, ensuring they were both informative and SEO-friendly.
  • Email and Professional Communication Setup:
    Professionalism was key, so I set up custom email accounts for the site’s operations. This step helped in maintaining a professional image and streamlined communication.
  • Technical SEO Implementation:
    To boost the site’s health and visibility, I implemented a series of technical SEO techniques. This included optimizing meta tags, URL structures, and internal linking, which are crucial for search engine ranking.
  • Image Optimization:
    I used Adobe Photoshop 2023 to compress images and convert them into .webp format. This step significantly improved the site’s loading times without compromising on image quality.
  • Site Performance Optimization:
    The result of these efforts was a 98% speed score on desktop and 92% on mobile as per PageSpeed Insights. This high performance ensured that visitors had a seamless experience, which is critical for retaining traffic.
  • Off-Page SEO and Backlink Generation:
    The high-quality content on naturally attracted backlinks from reputable sites, further enhancing the site’s authority and ranking.
  • Security Enhancements:
    Security was a top priority. I implemented advanced security measures, including plugins and two-factor authentication (2FA) for both the website and hosting accounts. These steps protected the site from potential threats.
  • Social Media Integration:
    To drive traffic, I managed the site’s social media presence across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter/, Pinterest, Behance, and TikTok. Engaging graphical and video content played a key role in attracting a larger audience.

    Amazon Affiliate
    Amazon Affiliate
  • Affiliate and Google AdSense Integration:
    I integrated affiliate programs such as Amazon Affiliate and into the site. Additionally, I set up Google AdSense to monetize the content effectively.

    Impact Affiliate
    Impact Affiliate
  • Review Writing:
    I wrote detailed reviews of GPUs, adhering to the latest guidelines. These reviews not only informed readers but also helped in ranking key search terms on Google.

Results: Achieving Excellence

Site Performance

The meticulous planning and execution yielded exceptional results. The site’s performance, as measured by PageSpeed Insights, reached an impressive 98% on desktop and 92% on mobile. These scores reflect the site’s quick load times, a crucial factor for user experience and SEO.

Traffic and Ranking

Thanks to the implemented SEO strategies and high-quality content, quickly gained traction. The site began ranking on the first page of Google for several targeted keywords, driving a significant amount of organic traffic. This visibility was a testament to the effective content strategy and technical SEO work.

Monetization Success

The integration of affiliate programs and Google AdSense was successful, and both channels began generating revenue. The affiliate links provided valuable resources to users while contributing to the site’s income.

Marketable Skills and Expertise

Web Development and WordPress Expertise

Throughout the project, my expertise in WordPress Development was a key asset. From theme customization to plugin integration, I ensured that the site was not only functional but also user-friendly and visually appealing.

SEO and Content Strategy

My advanced knowledge in SEO was critical in optimizing the site for search engines. I followed the latest guidelines from Google Search Console, ensuring that the content was optimized for both readers and search engines.

Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Creating unique and original graphics was essential for establishing a strong visual identity for These visuals not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal but also contributed to better user engagement.

Social Media Management

Managing a multi-platform social media strategy was another significant aspect of this project. By creating and sharing engaging content across various social media platforms, I was able to drive additional traffic to the site.

Affiliate Marketing and Monetization

The integration of affiliate programs and Google AdSense was a strategic move to monetize the site. My knowledge in Affiliate Marketing ensured that these programs were effectively implemented and contributed to the site’s revenue.

Screenshot of Google AdSense
Screenshot of Google AdSense

User Feedback

User Experience

Users have expressed appreciation for the detailed and informative content available on The site’s easy navigation and fast performance have contributed to a positive user experience, making it a go-to resource for graphics enthusiasts.

Certifications: Professional Recognition

  • Adobe Photoshop CC – Essentials Training Course
  • After Effects – Motion Graphics & Data Visualization
  • Adobe After Effects CC – Motion Graphics Design & VFX
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC – Essentials Training Course
  • Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro for Corporate Video
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC – Advanced Training Course
  • Adobe Photoshop CC – Advanced Training Course
  • Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training Course
  • Adobe Illustrator CC – Advanced Training Course
  • User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design
  • Adobe InDesign CC – Essentials Training Course
  • Adobe InDesign CC – Advanced Training Course
  • The Ultimate Digital Marketing Course 2022: 11 Courses in 1

Get in Touch: Contact Information

Contact Details

If you are interested in similar projects or have any questions, please feel free to reach out:

Call to Action

I encourage you to explore more about my journey and projects at Whether you’re looking to develop a new website, improve SEO, or enhance your social media strategy, I am here to help you achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is is an affiliate and knowledge website focused on providing in-depth reviews, guides, and articles related to graphic design, video editing, and tech. It was developed using WordPress, optimized for SEO, and monetized through affiliate programs and Google AdSense.

2. How can I optimize my WordPress website like

To optimize your WordPress site like, focus on technical SEO, compressing images into .webp format, using a fast and responsive theme, and following Google Search Console guidelines. Additionally, integrate security measures and ensure your site performs well on PageSpeed Insights.

3. What are the best practices for integrating affiliate marketing into a WordPress site?

When integrating affiliate marketing into your WordPress site, choose high-quality affiliate programs, write SEO-optimized content that provides value to users, and use relevant plugins for easy integration. effectively combines these practices to drive revenue.

4. How did achieve high PageSpeed Insights scores? achieved a 98% desktop and 92% mobile score on PageSpeed Insights by using image compression tools like Adobe Photoshop, converting images to .webp format, optimizing code, and choosing a lightweight WordPress theme. These strategies collectively enhance website performance.

5. What security measures are essential for a WordPress website?

Essential security measures for a WordPress website include installing security plugins, setting up two-factor authentication (2FA), and regularly updating themes and plugins. These steps were crucial in protecting from potential threats.

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