Unleashing Potential: Google Ads for GFX Printer

I’m Hamid Nuh, a digital marketing expert dedicated to delivering exceptional results through strategic advertising. Here, you’ll find a case study detailing my successful Google Ads campaign for GFX Printer, a leading printing press based in Dubai.

Featured Project: Google Awareness Ad for GFX Printer

Project Overview

Client: GFX Printer
Industry: Printing Press
Location: Dubai, UAE
Campaign Type: Google Display Ad


  • Increase Brand Awareness: Enhance the visibility of GFX Printer among potential customers.
  • Drive Website Traffic: Attract users to GFX Printer’s website.
  • Generate Leads: Encourage visitors to request quotes for their printing needs.

Strategy and Execution

To achieve these goals, I designed a comprehensive Google Display Ad campaign. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the approach:

  1. Engaging Visuals: Utilized over 14 images and 1 video to create visually appealing and informative ads.
  2. Targeted Placement: Strategically placed ads across the Google Display Network to reach the right audience.
  3. Compelling Copy: Crafted persuasive ad copy that highlighted GFX Printer’s high-quality services and competitive pricing.
  4. Performance Monitoring: Continuously tracked key metrics to optimize the campaign for better results.
Google Ad creative with 100% score
Google Ad creative with 100% score


  • Impressions: The campaign garnered 31,665 impressions, significantly increasing brand visibility.
  • Clicks: Generated 317 clicks to the GFX Printer website.
  • Quote Requests: Successfully converted these clicks into more than 60 quote requests.
  • Cost Efficiency: Achieved a cost per click (CPC) of just 24.55 PKR, with a total campaign cost of 7,782 PKR ~102 AED.
Screenshot of Google Display Awareness Ads by Hamid Nuh
Screenshot of Google Display Awareness Ads by Hamid Nuh

Skills and Expertise

  • Google Ads Management
  • Display Advertising
  • Creative Ad Design
  • Audience Targeting and Segmentation
  • Performance Analysis and Optimization


Amir Farooq, CEO of GFX Printer
“Hamid’s Google Display Ad campaign delivered fantastic results. The increased visibility and the significant number of quote requests we received were beyond our expectations. His expertise in digital advertising is truly commendable.”

Contact Me

Ready to enhance your business’s visibility and drive leads through strategic Google Ads? Let’s connect.

Call to Action

Interested in achieving similar results for your business? Hire Me today and let’s discuss how we can create a successful advertising campaign together.

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